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npx remotion preview

Start the server which allows you to preview the Remotion video. The only argument to pass is the entry file:

npx remotion preview src/index.tsx
npx remotion preview src/index.tsx



React Props to pass to the selected composition of your video. Must be a serialized JSON string (--props='{"hello": "world"}') or a path to a JSON file (./path/to/props.json). Can also be read using getInputProps().


Inline JSON string isn't supported on Windows because it removes the " character, use a temporary file instead.


Specify a location for the Remotion config file. Available in v1.2 and later.


Specify a location for a dotenv file. Default .env. Available in v2.2 and later.


Set the log level. Increase or decrease the amount of output. Acceptable values: error, warn, info (default), verbose


Set a custom HTTP server port. If not defined, Remotion will try to find a free port.


Available from v3.2.11

Disables all keyboard shortcuts in the Preview.